
Back to America.
Años habían pasado desde la ultima vez que estuve en LA. Relativamente vivía cerca, ya fuera ir de vacaciones o a los parques de diversiones, pero no lo había explorado tanto como esta ocasión. Downtown, sus edificios son tan Art Deco, los teatros conservan sus antiguos anuncios luminosos y los hoteles las mismas fachadas, todo luce tan vintage. Junkies y homeless te los encuentras en cada avenida, a cualquier hora, dando los buenos días gritando: give me cash bitch!. Letreros de neón y murales que muestran la obvia mezcla de culturas, todo forma parte de la misma escena urbana.

-The BROAD, un museo de arte contemporáneo, super recomendable, es entrada gratuita y miles de obras, Warhol y Koons, o sea, artistas populares. Vale la pena esperar para entrar al infinity mirrored room de Yayoi Kusama, aunque solo puedes verlo por 45 segundos.

Hay mucho que explorar y por conocer, nunca terminas.

Back to America.
Some years had passed since I was last in LA. Relatively I lived nearby, whether it's going on vacation or to amusement parks, but I had not explored it as much as this time. Downtown, its buildings are so Art Deco, the theaters keep their old illuminated signs and the hotels the same facades, everything looks so vintage. Junkies and homeless you find them in every avenue, at any time, giving the good morning shouting: give me cash bitch!. Neon signs and murals that show the obvious mix of cultures, all part of the same urban scene.
-The BROAD, a museum of contemporary art, highly recommended, is free entry and thousands of pieces, Warhol and Koons, popular artists. It's worth waiting to enter the infinity mirrored room of Yayoi Kusama, although you can only see it for 45 seconds.

There is a lot to explore and to know, you never finish.


HOTEL CECIL (American Horror Story) trough the window


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